Hormone imbalance can make you feel tired and increase your risk of weight gain or ongoing health problems. At Balanced Health in the Cow Hollow area of San Francisco, California, experienced naturopathic physician Erika Horowitz, ND, and her team offer treatments to help you achieve hormone balance and a better quality of life. Call the office to learn more or use the online booking tab today.

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What is hormone balance?

Hormone balance at Balanced Health uses bioidentical hormone therapy or other treatments to balance hormones within your body, reducing unpleasant symptoms and your risk of medical issues. You may be a candidate for this type of treatment if thyroid, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, or stress hormone levels in your body are too low or too high.

What are the benefits of hormone balance?

Some of the main benefits you can expect after achieving hormone balance include:

  • More energy
  • Leaner body composition
  • Easier weight management
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Reduced body fat
  • Stronger sexual desire and functioning
  • Reduced erectile dysfunction (ED) in men
  • Less vaginal dryness in women
  • Fewer hot flashes and other menopause symptoms
  • Improved metabolism
  • Less depression
  • Fewer mood swings
  • Lower risk of osteoporosis
  • Healthier hair and skin
  • Better sleep quality

Hormone treatments are simple and painless but can drastically improve your quality of life. Early detection and treatment of hormone imbalance are vital.

Are hormone balance treatments right for me?

Common causes of hormone fluctuations include:

  • Oder age
  • Pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Genetics
  • Poor nutrition
  • Medications
  • Unhealthy lifestyle habits
  • Sleep deprivation

Your specialist reviews your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle habits to determine if you’re a candidate for hormone balance treatments at Balanced Health.

They weigh you, evaluate your body mass index (BMI), and check your pulse, blood pressure, and other vital signs. Your provider completes a physical exam to look for signs of medical problems.

They use blood tests to evaluate your current hormone levels before tailoring a hormone balance solution that’s best for you.

What should I expect during my treatment?

During hormone treatment at Balanced Health, your specialist may recommend you try gels, creams, pills, patches, injections, or vaginal applications for women. They also offer hormone pellets placed just beneath the skin near your upper buttocks to release a steady stream of hormones into your body over time.

The Balanced Health team follows up with you to ensure your hormone treatment works effectively. They alter your plan, if needed, after evaluating blood hormone levels periodically throughout your treatment.

Call the office or use the online booking tool today to learn more about the hormone balance solutions available at Balanced Health.