High cortisol is a topic of much discussion these days, and symptoms most associated with the condition are weight gain, mood swings, and spikes
in imbalanced emotional and mental wellness…
But, what if you’re experiencing less common symptoms? How do you spot them in order to take swift action? Keep reading…
High cortisol levels can manifest in various unexpected ways:
1. Fatigue & Body Weakness: Elevated cortisol can impact muscle strength and energy levels, leading to chronic fatigue and overall body weakness.
2. Disruptions in Reproductive Function: In women, high cortisol can disrupt menstrual cycles, causing irregularities or absence of periods. In men, it may reduce testosterone levels, impacting reproductive health.
3. Risk of Diabetes: Elevated cortisol can raise blood sugar levels, impairing insulin function, and increasing the risk of developing diabetes.
4. Hypertension: Cortisol contributes to increased blood pressure by narrowing blood vessels and increasing sodium retention, which can lead to hypertension.
5. Osteoporosis: Higher cortisol levels over time can impact bone density and lead to osteoporosis, increasing the risk of fractures and bone weakness.
Understanding these impacts is crucial in managing stress and maintaining a balanced hormonal state.
If you have questions regarding this topic, testing your cortisol levels, or other ways to stay on top of your health naturally; we’d love to talk to you.
Please email contact@drerikahorowitz.com to schedule a consultation.
Be well!