I realize that this is a stressful time for most of us and want to let each and every one of you know that my team and I are here to support you as best we can. As a scientist, and a doctor, I’d like to share current information on the Corona Virus and COVID -19 as well as update you on how I’d like to move forward with seeing clients. With this in mind I have decided to practice social distancing as recommended by WHO, CDC and many health officials. In order to do my part to help flatten the curve of the spread of the disease. I suggest that anyone who can do this also consider it. For the next few weeks I will be conducting all appointments from home via video or phone appointments. Darby will also be doing the same for Nutritional Consults. We will be using the CHarm Portal for all video conferencing. Amanda will be rescheduling all current and upcoming appointments to phone or video. More Information on COVID-19 and Corona Virus:Observed Clinical Course for COVID-19
The median age for those infected is around 50 years old, with a slightly higher incidence in men. Children appear less vulnerable to infection and appear to have milder symptoms than adults. There have been no reports of deaths in children aged 0-9 years of age. One very small study of 9 infants under 1 year of age infected with COVID-19 found that none of the infants experienced severe illness or complications. Pregnant women do not appear to be at higher risk than the general population. Most infected people appear to have mild infections, with mild cold-like symptoms and fever. There are even case reports of asymptomatic carriers.
Below are common symptoms for most, though please remember that there are case reports of people being asymptomatic (no symptoms):
• Fever, muscle aches
• Uncomplicated upper respiratory symptoms (cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, headache)
Some patients will experience more severe symptoms, which may include:
• Difficulty breathing
• Mild pneumonia
• Severe pneumonia
• Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
• Sepsis and septic shock
• Death
As concerns have heightened over the spread of coronavirus disease COVID-19, we have received an ever-increasing number of questions about how to improve your immune system.
We can only make suggestions for basic immune support and can not and do not claim or imply that we have anything to prevent, mitigate, or treat coronavirus-related illnesses.
Consider These Supportive Measures:
- Biocidin LSF Liposomal Formula Liquid– Take 1 pump up to 3 times a day. Starting with one pump and gradually increasing up. Hold under tongue 30 seconds before swallowing. May be added to water. Best taken on an empty stomach 10 minutes before meals.
- Olivirex (Olive Leaf Combination)– Take 1-2 capsules 2-3 times per day as needed. For best results take on an empty stomach with 8oz. of water. Additional water throughout the day is recommended.
- Cordyceps PS– Two tablets 2 times per day with or between meals.
- EHB– Take 3 capsules daily or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
- Natural D-Hist – California Only- Suggested Use- Loading Dose: 2 capsules three times per day for 7-10 days or as recommended by your health care professional. Maintenance: 2 or more capsules per day or as recommended by your health care professional
I encourage you to remain positive and empower yourself with the information available to reduce your risk. And please remember, both Darby and I are here to support you through this time as best we can.
We will continue to keep you updated on our latest findings and will also be sending out a number of different resources to help you find calm and balance while at home.
**We expressly deny that the information being provided is intended to assist in the cure, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of coronavirus-related diseases, including but not limited to COVID-19, MERS, or SARS.