For those of you that don’t know me yet, my name is Darby Jackson and I am the new Holistic Health Coach working with Dr. Horowitz

For those of you that don’t know me yet, my name is Darby Jackson and I am the new Holistic Health Coach working with Dr. Horowitz. My role at the clinic is to work with you on targeted lifestyle changes, such as upgrading the way you eat, move, and think. Dr. Horowitz and I believe that health is physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social. Together.

To that end, I just released a new, completely FREE ebook called The 3×3 WellSet. It’s a refresh for your brain, body and lifestyle in three days, with three new tools each day.

The guide includes:

3 techniques to help you manage stress and ease anxiety. Each technique takes 20 minutes or less

The key tool I use with clients to help manage cravings and reduce fear around “forbidden” foods

My favorite productivity hacks so that you can accomplish more by working less

The 2 exercises I swear by to declutter your life and make space for positivity and abundance to come through

I created this because I believe that in today’s wellness culture, it’s easy to spend our lives worrying rather than living. There is so much information out there on every diet and exercise regimen possible that it can feel like we are never doing “the right thing”.

I believe we are missing the point.

Your overall health and wellness is not just about the food that you eat or how often you sweat. It’s about how you approach your entire being. I dive into this and more in the guide.

Download the guide for free HERE and join my community on Instagram for support @darbyjackson_

I look forward to hearing from you!

xx Darby

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